Suggested Applications: They are suitable for indoor and outdoor use in:

  • Hydraulic units: 0 – 3,600 liters. volume
  • Gearboxes: 0 – 3,000 liters. volume (oil and air)
  • Drums and IBC: 60-200 liters. and 1000 liters. volume
  • mobile machinery
SKU: VV-R Category:

Valveless rechargeable vent for indoor and outdoor use.


The VV-R series Silica Gel Filter are cost-effective solutions that are built without valves. The plastic casing filled with desiccant mixture ensures effective drying of the supplied air. A 3μm filter also cleans the sucked air. A layer of activated carbon absorbs oil mist and protects the desiccant and the environment from contamination. The adsorbents of this series can be refilled in just a few minutes.

When the adsorber is saturated, instead of the entire cartridge, only the desiccant and worn internal system components are replaced, reducing operating costs.

The VV-R series is especially advantageous for plants with constant air exchange and short downtimes.


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